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XVI century leg protection with etching - new item!

XVI century leg protection with etching - new item! 2018-12-27

Plate garniture of George Clifford was a real masterpiece of medieval blacksmithing. It is decorated with elegant handmade etching, so we took it as example of armor to make.

This medieval armor of the XVI century is custom crafted item by parameters of client. So be sure that these steel legs will fit you as a glove (or more likely, as stockings:)).


Plate leg armor is fastened with leather strings to the bottom edge of doublet. Leather belts with steel or brass buckles are used for fixing of upper part and greaves on the leg. Two-leaved fans protect outer part of knee and ornamented too.

Legs’ protection on the photo has mirror polishing, yet you may choose blueing or blackened finish treatment.

More leg’s armor see in category “Metal leg protection”.

XVI century leg protection with etching - new item!

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