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Tabard with cock - for brave soldiers!

Tabard with cock - for brave soldiers! -0001-11-30

This knight tabard is decorated with image of cock. In heraldry, cock means warrior bravery and religiousness. Shoulder pieces and back side of tabards are patterned with image of eagle – symbol of immortality, courage and might.


We used natural cotton for sewing. Fabric straps for fastening are placed on the sides of tabard. That allow comfortable wearing.

In category-gallery “Tabards”, you may see tabards of different designs with various coat of arms. We may sew unique tabard with your own pattern.

Tabard with cock - for brave soldiers!

1 Kommentare


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CHIU CHUN-CHENG 2024-10-10 11:31:22

Perfect quality!!! The fit was incredible and I marveled at the finesse of the blacksmith's work. The thick leather strap ensures its durability. Very beautiful masterpiece! I'm so glad I chose it for my friend's wedding gift.