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(3 reviews)


Farbe des Produkts :
Standard Option
  • Oberstoff für Brigandine  Wolle
  • Produktbenutzer  männlich
  • Damengröße für Platte/Brigandine (über gepolstertem Schutz) überspringen
  • Herrengröße für Platten-/Brigandine-Rüstung (über gepolstertem Schutz) Überspringen
  • Befestigungen leather straps with steel buckles
  • Farbe der Stahlschnallen Vernickelte Schnalle
  • Farbe für die Lederbefestigung schwarz
  • Muster für den unteren Teil standard
  • Lieferfrist Standard (Lieferfrist 14-28 Tage)
  • Material für die platten cold-rolled steel - 1.0 mm (18 ga)
  • Schulterplatten absent
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Dieses Produkt ist maßgeschneidert, das bedeutet es wird von uns individuell für dich und deine Maße angefertigt damit es dir perfekt passt.

Farbe des Produkts
Oberstoff für Brigandine
Zweifarbiges Design
Zweite Farbe
Damengröße für Platte/Brigandine (über gepolstertem Schutz)
Herrengröße für Platten-/Brigandine-Rüstung (über gepolstertem Schutz)
Farbe der Stahlschnallen
Farbe für die Lederbefestigung
Personal emblem
Muster für den unteren Teil
Material für die platten


This is a collective image of the small-plated brigantines popular at the second half of the XVth century through all the Europe. A lot of them you can find at Leeds Royal Armouries Museum, Bernisches Historisches Museum, Thun Castle Museum, Spiez Castle Museum, Basel Historical Museum, Palazzo Ducale, paintings like Altar triptych from the Lübeck Cathedral by Hans Memling, Altarpiece of Saint Vincent by Bernat Martorell, manuscripts from The British Library and many, many other.

Common feature of this period brigantines are their silhouette - tight and very short. As for the assembly scheme, each master had his own, original one, which modified at the request of an individual client.

Here we are, inspired by the example of medieval masters, have assembled our own original brigandine armor. Cool and strong 1 mm titanium for the plates, luxurious velvet at the cover and 4 mm brass rivets hats.

This is not a reconstruction of any particular brigandine, but stylization of the small-plated brigantine of the second half of the XVth century. In addition, its important detail - we put a leather washer under the head of the rivet. This makes brigantine much more stronger, but there are no washers in museum brigantines :(

That is why you should make some consultations with SCA, medieval festivals and reenactment event’s organizers to use it, but feel free at any other Medieval and LARP events, stage performances.

Armor is completely handcrafted. You also need no external assistance to put on a brigandine. It is easy and comfortable because of fastenings from the front.


Base price small-plated brigandine armor includes: 

  • Wool cover with canvas strengthening;
  • Plates of cold-rolled steel 1.0 mm; 
  • Steel finding rivets; 
  • Leather straps; 
  • Steel nickel-plated buckles; 
  • Straight bottom edge; 
  • XS-size; 
  • No decoration. 

Pay attention - base price includes a wool cover and stainless steel plates, but for you we are always ready to make just such a cool option as titanium plates, velvet cover and brass rivets hats seen at the picture for additional fee. Anyway, additional options allow making a variety of changes and creating your own unique model of brigandine armor. If you choose any unusual model, material, color or pattern, please contact us via email [email protected].

Main photo shows medieval knight’s armour with following options:

  • Royal blue velvet for outer shell;
  • Plates  – titanium 1.0 mm;
  • Brass rivets;
  • Brown leather straps;
  • Brass buckles;
  • Without design of bottom edge;
  • No decoration;
  • XL-size.


Benefits, which you will get, if you buy battle-ready brigandine armour at Steel Mastery: 

- Custom-made armor made of 100% natural cotton/wool/leather/velvet/suede/brocade and steel/titanium by your individual parameters; 

- Reliability and comfortable wearing for years; 

- Product made by blacksmiths with over 15 years experience; 

- Convenient payment systems (PayPal, Skrill, Visa, MasterCard, American Express); 

- Rework your order at our own expense or do a full refund in case if you do not like an item.

Check out these models of brigandine with fastening in the front: Leather brigandine of the early XV century, Middle Ages brigandine with fastenings in the front and beautiful cool-protecting brigandine armor perfect for damsels in distress Large-plate brigandine

Also you gonna need Gambison or Padded armour set under your brigand armor and we recommend at least a helmet with it.

In section Brigandines, you can see all models of brigandine body protection that we offer for ordering. If you still did not find any for your taste and wish, please send us photo and description of the required model and we will make it for you.


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Wir schicken deine Bestellung mit Hilfe des nationalen Postservices, die schickt es dir zu deiner Paketstelle. Nach dem wir das Paket auf die Reise schicken, schicken wir dir die Trackingnummer des Pakets. Falls du eine Expresslieferung für dein Paket haben möchtest (DHL,TNT etc.) schreib uns bitte an.


Alle unsere Produkte sind in Handarbeit hergestellt. Die durchschnittliche Herstellzeit beträgt:

  • Gambeson und Stoffrüstungen 8-9 Wochen
  • Kostüme und andere Kleidung 4-6 Wochen
  • Brigantinen 3-4 Monate
  • Lederaccessoires 2-4 Wochen
  • Metallrüstungen 2-5 Monate
Falls du noch Fragen hast, schreib uns und wir beantworten sie gerne.

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Schreib uns eine Bewertung

Chris Wagner
Die Brigantine schaut toll aus und die Qualität scheint sehr gut zu sein. Die angegebenen Masse wurden gut umgesetzt, das Teil passt Super. Der ganze Ablauf war sehr professionell und auch die Lieferung aus Kiev lief problemlos. Ich kann den Shop sehr empfehlen.
Great product--just let Steel Mastery know what you want and they'll do it for you. I got the brigandine kit and it came all ready to assemble. Highly recommend these guys, --BKF
Bought this awesome small plated brigandin with my personal coat of arms sewn on it, from Steel Mastery. The team made a great job. She fits perfect and movement in the armour is easy. So fighting with the brigandine is fun. Thanks to the helpfull measurement video. The personal coat of arms sewn on the armour, will be the eyecatcher on every event. Will definitive buy again from Steel Mastery.
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