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Caesar large-plated brigandine




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(5 reviews)

Caesar large-plated brigandine

royal blue
Standard Option
  • Manufacturing time standard manufacturing time 4 months
  • Befestigungen leather straps with steel nickel-plated buckles
  • Farbe für die Lederbefestigung black
  • Muster für den unteren Teil standard
  • Fast Shipping  Absent
  • Dekoration Without decoration
  • Material für die platten cold-rolled steel - 1.0 mm (18 ga)
  • Nieten finding rivets
  • Shell fabric for brigandine  wool, 85-100%
  • Schulterplatten absent
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Dieses Produkt ist maßgeschneidert, das bedeutet es wird von uns individuell für dich und deine Maße angefertigt damit es dir perfekt passt.

Manufacturing time
Farbe für die Lederbefestigung
Personal emblem
Size ( waist circumference)
Muster für den unteren Teil
Fast Shipping
Material für die platten
Shell fabric for brigandine


A fabulously beautiful large-plated brigandine of the Chalkis type, in which flowers of rivets seem to be scattered across the woolen field. Yes, this is for you.

We realized a long time ago how much you love Large-plate brigandine. But sometimes even the things you love need a little updating,  something new and charming. New? Or maybe a well forgotten old one?

It is not a secret that armourers of the XV century liked to flirt with rivet patterns.  So we decided to follow their example. We used Steel Mastery's favorite Flemish tapestry with Caesar. This beauty is the work of Flemish craftsmen from the city of Tournai (modern Belgium) and it dates back to 1465-70 years.



Well, how can one resist such beauty? Large plates. Front buckle fastening. Buckle straps adjustable at the shoulders. Covers made of the finest dense wool in the color of your choice. Artistic pattern of rivets, which can be smooth or figure shaped. Durable leather straps. Steel or molded buckles of your choice.

The perfect brigantine for the rugged and stylish, because even the most brutal fighter wants to look cool in battle and at the festival.

Base price includes following:

  • Fabric –wool
  • Color – black
  • Material of metal plates – cold-rolled steel 1.0 mm
  • Rivets – steel finding
  • Color of leather fastening – black
  • Fastenings – steel nickel-plated buckles
  • Size – XS
  • Decoration – no
  • Design of the bottom edge – no

Main photo shows medieval knight’s armour with following options:

  • Fabric –wool
  • Color – royal blue
  • Material of metal plates – cold-rolled steel 1.0 mm
  • Rivets – steel finding
  • Color of leather fastening – black
  • Fastenings – steel nickel-plated buckles
  • Size – XL
  • Decoration – no
  • Design of the bottom edge – no

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Wir schicken deine Bestellung mit Hilfe des nationalen Postservices, die schickt es dir zu deiner Paketstelle. Nach dem wir das Paket auf die Reise schicken, schicken wir dir die Trackingnummer des Pakets. Falls du eine Expresslieferung für dein Paket haben möchtest (DHL,TNT etc.) schreib uns bitte an.


Alle unsere Produkte sind in Handarbeit hergestellt. Die durchschnittliche Herstellzeit beträgt:

  • Gambeson und Stoffrüstungen 8-9 Wochen
  • Kostüme und andere Kleidung 4-6 Wochen
  • Brigantinen 3-4 Monate
  • Lederaccessoires 2-4 Wochen
  • Metallrüstungen 2-5 Monate
Falls du noch Fragen hast, schreib uns und wir beantworten sie gerne.

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Schreib uns eine Bewertung

Absolutely astounding quality and fit! It's very clear that every part of the brigandine was made with careful attention to detail and authenticity. Steel mastery even accommodated my request for a custom rivet pattern! I cannot recommend this armor enough, ten out of ten! Eleven even!
A most perfect protection I could have asked for. The color is beautiful, the plates fit together like it was my own exoskeleton. Took my dog for a walk in it, late afternoon of Florida, ran in it, and certainly look forward to bringing awe and jealousy from those around. It hugs me, but doesn't constrict. +A from me yet again.
A truly well made product. I chose the thickness of 1.5 mm, in blue wool. The manufacturing seems durable, it is very beautiful, the customer service makes you participate in the production process and they are always very kind. I'm already thinking about the next order because I was very satisfied! Great job Steel Mastery!
Absolutely fantastic kit. They worked with me on my custom requests and met them flawlessly. Would highly recommend this shop for your armor needs.
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