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Milanese cuirass - check out new photos!

Milanese cuirass - check out new photos! 2018-08-06

This Milanese cuirass is a part of well-know “Avant armor”, dated by the XV century. This metal body protection is very movable due to segments on the body part and skirt. Tassets cover and protect thighs.


Cuirass on the photos has sating polishing, black leather belts and steel nickel-plated buckles. You may choose another metal and fittings for your medieval armor in options.


Milanese pauldrons will be great addition for such cuirass.

Check out category “Cuirasses, breastplates and gorgets” to see more models of medieval body protection, which we offer for creating.

Milanese cuirass - check out new photos!

3 Kommentare


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nick green

nick green 2022-10-29 11:34:52

Once again Brilliant Service! First class construction Great communications Will be using again Thank you guys

 Dan Green

 Dan Green 2021-03-17 14:37:36

This was the first piece I bought off of Steel Mastery, and convinced me to get the rest of my soft kit here too. The craftsmanship is great, and with maille over it it gets the look of the heavily padded coifs in High Medieval artwork across pretty well. The section around the crown with the extra padding is a great place for my helm to rest, and I think it'll work well for a lighter helmet too when I get around to making one. If I have one small quibble, I think the ventail covering the chin and lower face could come on slightly tighter and higher, but I think I can deal with that by adjusting my maille hood a bit.

Ienei Francisc

Ienei Francisc 2018-06-13 17:24:53

Great addition to my gear. You have a costumer for life.