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LANDSKNECHT WOMEN'S UNDERSHIRT photo made by Steel-mastery.com Uncolored linen Women's gambeson photo made by Steel-mastery.com Gorget with front and back neck protection photo made by Steel-mastery.com European sword photo made by Steel-mastery.com STEEL KNEE CAP WITH BROWN LEATHER photo made by Steel-mastery.com Helmet with lifting visor for SCA photo made by Steel-mastery.com GERMAN GOTHIC CUIRASS, XV CENTURY photo made by Steel-mastery.com Landsknecht flower hat with hand-woven cord  photo made by Steel-mastery.com WOOLEN DARK BLUE BRIGANDINE XL WITH BROWN STRAPS photo made by Steel-mastery.com Poulaine, 14-15th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Great Helm first half of the 13th century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Visby brigandine gauntlets photo made by Steel-mastery.com NECKLACE WITH HIDDEN PROTECTION photo made by Steel-mastery.com Munich brigandine (corazzine) from Hohenschwangau castle,1360-1450 (14 - 15 century) photo made by Steel-mastery.com Mongolian (Asian) warrior armor: 11 - 17 century photo made by Steel-mastery.com Milan-style pauldrons 1450-1485 years, a part of "Avant Armour" photo made by Steel-mastery.com Squid jewelry photo made by Steel-mastery.com Renaissance linen gambeson photo made by Steel-mastery.com XL size Hema long gambeson  photo made by Steel-mastery.com GRAY CHALKIS BRIGANDINE TYPE II IN STOCK photo made by Steel-mastery.com Leather lamellar armor photo made by Steel-mastery.com STEEL TASSETS photo made by Steel-mastery.com Full Plate Armor (Garniture) of George Clifford, Third Earl of Cumberland, end of XVI century (1590-1592)  photo made by Steel-mastery.com Forest Guardian's linen hood photo made by Steel-mastery.com