Tabard with silk-screening of scarlet dots, golden swords, and green oak leaves
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This coat of arms (tabard) is modest to asceticism and chic in its modesty. It is divided into 4 squares in a checkerboard pattern. On the white fields are placed six piercing scarlet dots in a triangle tapering downward. And on the blue fields, in turn, there is a golden punishing sword, pointed down, framed by green oak leaves, five on each side.
These coats of arms images are made using progressive silk-screening printing technique - exquisite and reliable.
Main photo shows medieval tabard with:
This coat of arms (tabard) is only a sample to show, what we can sew for you!
As option for tabard you can choose:
This is a tabard for a true knight, brave and loyal, humble and full of inner dignity.
Hurry up to order a personal tabard with the custom picture made at this cool technique from Steel Mastery's artisans. They are ready to sew cool things for you anytime you want, all you need - to contact us via [email protected].
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