"SHADOW" leather gloves
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Embody the spirit of Lambert, with these sturdy leather gauntlets inspired by his iconic armor. Crafted for protection and functionality, these gauntlets shield the forearms while allowing for agile weapon handling during battle. The durable leather provides a strong yet flexible defense, making them ideal for combat scenarios where speed and precision are key.
These gloves provide excellent grip and dexterity, ensuring that they won’t hinder your performance during intense activities or role-playing. They’re lightweight but sturdy enough to withstand outdoor events and combat scenarios common in LARP. The sleek black leather finish also gives them a timeless appeal, making your character stand out in any setting.
Perfect for pairing with custom armor, bracers, or other accessories, these gloves fit seamlessly into any costume ensemble. Whether you’re playing a heroic warrior or a cunning rogue, these gloves will complete your look with style and functionality. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, they are designed to last through multiple events while maintaining their polished appearance.
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