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Standard Option
  • Farbe für die Lederbefestigung braun
  • Metall für Plattenrüstung cold rolled 1mm
  • Finishing satin polishing
  • genähte Handschuhe without sewn gloves
  • Nieten 8 mm Stahlnägel
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Dieses Produkt ist maßgeschneidert, das bedeutet es wird von uns individuell für dich und deine Maße angefertigt damit es dir perfekt passt.

Farbe für die Lederbefestigung
Metall für Plattenrüstung
genähte Handschuhe


Steel gauntlets for SCA and fencing is the best friend of any fighter. These are the real combat gauntlets designed not for snobbish challenges for a duel but for the full contact fights and SCA encounters. Wearing these gauntlets you can be absolutely sure about your fingers’ protection.

Sophisticated composition of the steel plates provides an optimized combination of weight and mobility of mitten gauntlets, while the stiffening bars give you firmness and tolerance of opponent’s impact. And we reassure you - they are not only about the firmness and reliability but about your comfort. A magnificent 1,8 mm thick leather serves as a base for attaching the plates with thel rivets on the steel gauntlets. Moreover, the leather is sewn on the strong, but nevertheless soft mitten with two layers of batting softening.

As you can see, functional fencing gauntlets are as necessary for any SCA fighter, as are the boxing gloves for the boxer. However, if you are expecting any harshness at the fantasy, cosplay, fencing, or LARP events, these might come in handy over there too.


Main photo shows gauntlets with following options:

  • Color of inner leather – brown
  • Sewn added mitten
  • Metal – hardened steel 1,5 mm
  • Finish treatment – polishing
  • No decoration
  • Rivets – steel 

Traditionally we use 1mm thick steel for the mitten gauntlets, but if you are facing the fights where such level of protection is not enough, than especially for such plate gauntlets our blacksmith has the 1,5 mm thick steel already tempered. But you can get one even thicker. You can get titan. Steel Mastery smithy’s additional services are always there for the sake of the demanding customers. By the way, we can increase an amount of layers of the padding as well. Furthermore, we can add any decoration. Just contact us via email [email protected] about any additions and changes. We are always pleased to delight our customers with the custom products.


Why to choose Steel Mastery?

* Real combat gauntlets made of steel and leather.

* Custom hands armor made according to your sizes and specially for you.

*  Our blacksmiths are forging armoury and work in their beloved craft for over 15 years.

* We have a wide range of payment systems you can choose from (PayPal, Skrill, Visa, MasterCard, American Express).

* In case the armour doesn’t fit in any way, we rework and improve it at our own expense free of charge! We are working for your satisfaction!


You can check out another model of steel gauntlets Plate gloves for modern sword fencing that is in our collection. Or their brutal ancestor Milanese Style Gauntlets. In any case, we have steel gauntlets fit every taste, you just need to choose - Metal fingered and mitten gauntlets.

Besides, you can complement your battle mittens with the Steel shield buckler or a simple but charming Buckler, it will always come useful ;)


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Wir schicken deine Bestellung mit Hilfe des nationalen Postservices, die schickt es dir zu deiner Paketstelle. Nach dem wir das Paket auf die Reise schicken, schicken wir dir die Trackingnummer des Pakets. Falls du eine Expresslieferung für dein Paket haben möchtest (DHL,TNT etc.) schreib uns bitte an.


Alle unsere Produkte sind in Handarbeit hergestellt. Die durchschnittliche Herstellzeit beträgt:

  • Gambeson und Stoffrüstungen 8-9 Wochen
  • Kostüme und andere Kleidung 4-6 Wochen
  • Brigantinen 3-4 Monate
  • Lederaccessoires 2-4 Wochen
  • Metallrüstungen 2-5 Monate
Falls du noch Fragen hast, schreib uns und wir beantworten sie gerne.

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