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"MIDNIGHT" leather gloves




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(12 reviews)

"MIDNIGHT" leather gloves

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"MIDNIGHT" leather gloves – Your Ultimate Leather Hand Protection

Midnight Gloves redefine the standard in leather hand protection, delivering unparalleled comfort and safeguarding for your hands in every scenario. Meticulously crafted with your needs in mind, we've designed these gloves to elevate your experience during training sessions, historical events, or theatrical performances.

Our gloves are constructed from robust leather, fortified with a padding layer to enhance protection and cushioning against impacts. The incorporation of decorative stitching on the fingers, back of the hand, and cuff not only adds a touch of elegance but also provides an additional layer of defense. 

Available in four distinctive colors – bold red, classic black, rich brown, and earthy green – Midnight Gloves offer a palette to suit your personal style and preferences. Each color is carefully selected to complement the refined design, ensuring that your hand protection is not just functional but also a statement of your unique taste.

The reverse side assembly method of sewing the gloves sets them apart, underscoring our commitment to quality craftsmanship. This technique not only enhances durability but also contributes to a sleek and seamless appearance. The meticulous stitching ensures that the gloves maintain their form and structure, providing long-lasting performance.

An anti-slip insert strategically placed on the index finger and within the palm ensures a secure grip, whether you're wielding a sword, rapier, knife, or any other weapon. Versatility is key, and our gloves deliver precisely that.

The wide cuff design accommodates various levels of padding, ensuring a comfortable fit for both thin and thick protective layers.


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Alle unsere Produkte sind in Handarbeit hergestellt. Die durchschnittliche Herstellzeit beträgt:

  • Gambeson und Stoffrüstungen 8-9 Wochen
  • Kostüme und andere Kleidung 4-6 Wochen
  • Brigantinen 3-4 Monate
  • Lederaccessoires 2-4 Wochen
  • Metallrüstungen 2-5 Monate
Falls du noch Fragen hast, schreib uns und wir beantworten sie gerne.

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Schreib uns eine Bewertung

5 out of 5 stars Im absolutely satisfied with this product, it is well fitting, It is extremely well made. The leather has an extremely good touch to it, it is very soft on the limbs to allow easy movementyet has some rough patches that help you keep grip on the things youre holding. I would buy these gloves again in a heartbeat
Fantastic gloves, (exactly as described), and a great fit for me! I'm a 6'3" dude, so I've got some pretty big mitts, but the XL gloves fit my hands fantastically with a little extra room (which is great, because I wear them along with some wrist-guards, so I want a little extra space around the wrists/upper forearms). You might have to wait a little bit for the shipping, but SteelMastery was great about talking with me / setting realistic expectations for their arrival, and they came right around when they said I should expect them so 10/10 updates. Fantastic product, well worth the price whether you want them for LARP, cosplaying, or just personal use.
The gauntlets are beautiful, supple, and fit perfectly! Huge thanks to Steel Mastery for their fine craft (and Anastasiia for the kind note)
Everything went smoothly, I have already used the training gloves and they are very comfortable.
The gauntlets are beautiful, supple, and fit perfectly! Huge thanks to Steel Mastery for their fine craft (and Anastasiia for the kind note)
I purchased the red gloves, and they’re absolutely gorgeous. They fit perfectly and add color to my outfits. I get compliments every time I wear them
My hand is quite large and it has always been a challenge to find the perfect pair. I'm glad I discovered your mittens and you made them fit my hand size
I recently purchased a pair of Steel Mastery leather gloves, and I am impressed. The gloves fit perfectly and have molded to my hands after just a few wears. Highly recommend!
It looks as amazing and of quality beyond my expectations.Same as your Witcher gambeson. The gloves are gorgeous!
These gloves are fantastic! I bought the brown pair for horseback riding. My pair was custom made and fits like a glove ????. The leather is soft yet durable, and they look great too.
Bought the green gloves for LARPing, and they're amazing! The color is unique, and they provide excellent grip and protection. They’ve become my favorite pair
Absolutely love these gloves! They fit perfectly and are incredibly comfortable, I made the right choice ordering custom made pair
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