Leather vest and bracers in Renaissance style
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Leather vest and bracers in Renaissance style
When the night floats on the Venetian canals, slouching in gondola, and serenades of the most steady Romeos calm down against palazzo walls; when only night birds’ calls are heard in the silence, and only the cats who skitter with velvet treads down the narrow streets and wide squares. When the city of enamored people, thieves and merchants falls into a sleep… Only then, noble men of Venetia, full of icy nerves and consumed with desire of honor, are getting ready to resolve disputes that cannot be resolved in daylight in front of bystanders. Honor is a reason of disputes and death of one of disputant is a result.
Just for that delicate pursuit of the noble Dons, Steel Mastery made this leather armor costume. Linen is too plain material, cotton is too soft, wool is too comfortable, silk is too sensitive and steel is too rough for such delicate issue. So, only leather, chaste black leather with plain drops of steel rivets is appropriate for medieval leather vest, in which one decides a point of honour.
Medieval leather armor is a classy and functional accessory for man, like good shoes for woman. It is below noble Don’s dignity to show up at duel being unseemly in appearance. And, as duel is destined for any true noble Don sooner or later, so he can’t go without leather combat armor.
We took the best leather to create beauty, which you see in front of you. Black on black tells about seriousness of noble Don’s intentions. Decorative vertical leather straps add leather armor vest and bracers chastity and style, and simple steel rivets emphasize manhood and elegance of wearer. However, noble Don might have other occasions to wear leather vest and bracers – modern leather armor made by Steel Mastery.
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