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The Landsknecht coat is a stunning example of the fashion worn by the famous Landsknecht soldiers during the 16th century. These soldiers were known for their flamboyant dress and their distinctive costumes that were both functional and stylish.
This particular coat features a striking combination of black wool and orange linen, with cuts on the chest, sleeves, and bottom edge. The black and orange color scheme of the coat is both eye-catching and symbolic. Black was a popular color for Landsknecht clothing, representing strength and authority. Orange, on the other hand, was often used as an accent color to represent wealth and status.
The coat is cut to fall just below the knee, with a loose, flowing silhouette combined top coat and skirt. The sleeves are wide with puffs and slits, with a slight taper at the wrist for a more fitted look. And the final touch of the coat is the hand braided rope with brass points.
Base price inludes:
Fabric, decoration, colors and other changes can be customized according to your wishes.
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