Knight tabard with owl and a skull
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This coat of arms (tabard) is only a sample to show, what we can sew for you!
Don’t be surprised that prices are mentioned as “zero”. We calculate cost individually for each model, so please send us your tabard patterns and wishes to
There is quite unusual medieval tabard, separated on four parts, decorated with an owl, a skull and a fire.
Tabard took all the best feature of its medieval ancestors - natural fabrics, beautiful look and damn important function - showing who is in front of you.
When you choose a coat of arms, the only one which will adorn your standard and you knight tabard, it is very important not to make a mistake with symbols and put that sense into it, which you have in mind!
And, Steel Mastery will gladly share with you examples of works, in which we have turned ideas of other dignified knights into life!
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