Custom gambeson in style of Warhammer, Middenland
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Inspired by the rich lore and captivating aesthetics of the Warhammer world, our team has meticulously crafted this gambeson in the bold and striking colors of blue, white, and red. With attention to every detail, we have ensured that this gambeson captures the spirit and essence of Middenland, transporting the owner to the fantastical realm of heroic battles and legendary warriors. ⚔️
The highlight of this outfit lies in the exquisite custom puffed sleeves, meticulously designed with intricate cutting techniques which can be used for HEMA. These sleeves not only provide a regal appearance but also enhance mobility and flexibility, making it for the most intense and dynamic combat scenarios.
And the final touch was adorning the bottom of the outfit with a magnificent gold printing of Urlic, the legendary hero of Middenland.
Base price includes:
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