Armet from St Peter's Church
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Meet this modest and laconic close-helmet incorporating a sallet skull and brow reinforcement with an armet visor. Dating back to 1480, it was found at St Peter's Church, Stourton, Wiltshire and now is exposed at the Royal Armories, Leeds.
It is a typical helmet for the late XVth century, widespread in Italy, France, the Low Countries, Spain, and surely – England. Armet completely encloses the head while being compact and light enough to move.
Original helmet is a little bit rusted and has lost the front gorget plate for which there are holes in the fold of the dome. But we have corrected those shortcomings by recreating a luxurious, sparkling replica of this museum’s old man. And notice the chic golden lily on the back of the head.
We strongly recommend that those wishing to show off in this helmet should order a full set of armor for it. Otherwise, it will be a little painful in battle.
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