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Polish Noblewoman Costume, XVII-XVIII century




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Polish Noblewoman Costume, XVII-XVIII century

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  • Manufacturing time standard manufacturing time 4 months
  • Fast Shipping  Absent
  • Fabric velvet
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This Polish lady is dressed in:

  • Shirt
  • Petticoat
  • Velvet dress
  • Ochipok of brocade with velvet trimming
  • Embroidered muslin headcover - namitka

The suit of any decent XVIIth-XVIIIth century lady began with an undershirt. Polish noblewomen of those times wore long fluffy shirts with wide sleeves made of white fine linen or cotton fabric. The men's shirts of the nobility were richly decorated with embroidery and were worn as part of their festive clothing. 

There is no unambiguous information about the embroidery of women's shirts.  Over the undershirt, a respectable lady inevitably wore an underskirt.

From the XVII century, sleeveless dresses and jupans became a fashionable element of the rich male and female costume. They came to the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from Western Europe and became entrenched among rich people and later, in XVIII-XIX centuries, even among peasants. Sleeveless jackets had many kinds and names, they were sewn from dense and rich fabrics such as expensive wool, velvet, brocade. Women's versions had obligatory lacing in front.

Married ladies wore a headdress – ochipok – and headscarf – namitka – on their heads. Traditionally, for the headpiece and the dress decoration, the most expensive fabrics available to the lady were used. For namitka – the most expensive and thin fabric. It was supposed to be puffy and weightless.

Our Polish noblewoman wears a puffy undershirt with richly decorated sleeves – completely satin stitched. Thin embroidery are also along the neckline and hem. Undershirt satin hand-stitching is an additional option, there is no embroidery in base price.

The shirt is traditionally gathered at the wrists and the neck with small pleats – not exposing the neckline, but intriguing. You can choose a shirt made of fine linen or cotton, with or without embroidery – machine or satin stitched (in options).

The underskirt is sewn from a denser fabric, you can again choose linen or cotton and have it trimmed with lace at the hem.

The dress is sewn in luxurious scarlet velvet, it is cut and gathered with soft pleats at the waist, laced at the chest with the same scarlet silk lace showing off the undershirt. The neckline, armholes of sleeves, and skirt’s hem can be decorated on your wish with contrasting ribbons, strips of fabric, golden or silver embroidery, pearls or stones. Such a dress can be made of wool, linen, velvet, jacquard. 

Lady wears a brocade ochipok with velvet trimming and an embroidered namitka made of muslin. We can also sew your ochipok of brocade, jacquard, or velvet, and the namitka – of batiste, muslin, or silk. To decorate the edges of the jacket and bedspread or the whole surface – only up to you.


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Alle unsere Produkte sind in Handarbeit hergestellt. Die durchschnittliche Herstellzeit beträgt:

  • Gambeson und Stoffrüstungen 8-9 Wochen
  • Kostüme und andere Kleidung 4-6 Wochen
  • Brigantinen 3-4 Monate
  • Lederaccessoires 2-4 Wochen
  • Metallrüstungen 2-5 Monate
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