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Viking clothing "Idunn style"




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(1 reviews)

Viking clothing "Idunn style"

Standard Option
  • Manufacturing time standard manufacturing time 4 months
  • Fabric cotton
  • Fast Shipping  Absent
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Manufacturing time
Fast Shipping


Medieval viking outfit "Idunn style" is historicaly correct. Dresses are made-to-measure, so the will fit you perfectly!  

Viking outfit consist of: 

  1. undershirt (chemise);
  2. hangerock;
  3. belt;
  4. cloak.

The base price does not include:  

  • attire;
  • bag;
  • fibulas.

All these itmes you can add to your medieval viking clothing as options. They will help you to make your look complete.

Undershirt (medieval chemise) is made of linen and decorated with hand-made embroidery around neckline and cuffs. 

Hangerock is made of wool (not less then 80% natural wool). It's decorated with braid on the top and bottom of the item. 

Cloak is made of wool (not less then 80% natural wool). It's decorated with hand-made embroidery on the bottom of the cloak. 

Attire is made of glass, plastick and wooden beads. 

Fibulas are made of brass. Turtle fibulas are with silvering. 

The colors and types of fabric could be another by your choice. After you will place order for this outfit please write us on [email protected] what colors do you prefer for all items. 


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Alle unsere Produkte sind in Handarbeit hergestellt. Die durchschnittliche Herstellzeit beträgt:

  • Gambeson und Stoffrüstungen 8-9 Wochen
  • Kostüme und andere Kleidung 4-6 Wochen
  • Brigantinen 3-4 Monate
  • Lederaccessoires 2-4 Wochen
  • Metallrüstungen 2-5 Monate
Falls du noch Fragen hast, schreib uns und wir beantworten sie gerne.

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Schreib uns eine Bewertung

I received my outfit yesterday and am completely in love with it! It fits good, colors are beautiful and fabrics are very soft (cloak is sooo comfy!)) Thank you Steel Mastery!
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