Medieval gown with wide fabric belt
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Medieval gown with wide fabric belt
Double, double,
Toil and trouble.
Fire burn
And cauldron bubble.
When the night flies over the sleeping earth on the raven’s wings. When the wolves sing to the full moon in the bushes. When the cold wind dances on the tops of age-old fir-trees. When even the bravest one is afraid to get close to the mountain Brocken… Then, carelessly throwing a broom away and proudly straightening her shoulders, she slowly and proudly sets bare feet on the ancient rocks. She leisurely vaults to the top, where the boiling cauldron, unfailing friends and cheerful comrades are waiting for her.
Her clothing is simple and perfect in its simplicity. Long and wide black medieval dress of thin, but hard cotton drizzles down her body, hiding and emphasizing curves. Puffed sleeves look like black bird’s wings. Neckline may be laced very tight, covering even collarbones; or freely opened, baring delicate shoulders. Her waist is tightened with firm wide belt, laced with ribbon. This belt shines as unseen jewel on the midnight darkness of fancy medieval dress.
Steel Mastery brings to your attention the one and only medieval gown with wide fabric belt – essential base piece of cloth in wardrobe of any medieval fashion girl. This cross-functional and unspeakably comfortable medieval style dress is beautiful as alone, so as a medieval chemise dress. Simple but tailor-made cut allow hiding of any imperfections and highlight all advantages of body.
Thin cotton of hard structure is soft and smooth to the touch. By your wish, we may make this dress of linen or warm and comfortable wool. There is one of many of our medieval dresses for sale. And, instead of strict chic of black color, you may choose any rainbow dye, which will highlight your beauty and please your nice ladies caprice.
Witch broom and cauldron may be purchased separately :)
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