Sleeveless gambeson with festoons, XII-XIII centuries
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Sleeveless gambesons with festoons on the bottom hem was popular among the crossbowmen and archers in the XII-XIII centuries.
Though, it was not used by soldiers, who participated in combats. This model of gambison did not mean complete body protection, so it couldn’t be used for close fights and combats. But, when combined with hauberk, this light gambeson armor was very steady going for fighting on distance.
Made-to-measure gambeson may be sewn by two ways:
You can use this medieval gambeson for:
Base price includes following options:
Quantity of layer depends on the main armour. If you plan to wear gambison under the hauberk, so 5-6 layers will be required. If there will be usual plate armour or brigandine, so 2-3 layers of natural wadding is enough.
Cotton or linen gambesons of black or blue colors were more typical for infantrymen and archers. We also offer wool, leather or velvet for your quilted gambeson.
Cut on the neckline is being fastened with firm leather strap.
If you choose half-coloured or quarter-coloured gambeson, please inform us by, what colours you prefer and its exact disposition.
Main photo shows gambeson armor with following options:
Benefits, which you’ll get, if you buy medieval gambeson at Steel Mastery:
For these centuries, we also recommend you sleeveless gambeson without festoons and sleeveless gambeson with front fastening.
If you need long or short-sleeved gambeson, we may offer you these items: gambeson of the VI-XIII centuries, long gambeson of the XI-XV centuries.
Padded liner with pelerine will make a perfect set of padded armour together with this gambeson.
In section “Gambeson” you can see all models that we offer for ordering. If you didn’t find any for your taste and wish, please send us photo and description of the required model and we will make it for you.
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