How to sew gambeson - pourpoint of Charles de Blois
How to sew gambeson - pourpoint of Charles de Blois

We’ve prepared tutorial - with explanations and photos - for sewing process of one of the most complex gambeson models! Please enjoy! :) 

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Hoplite soldier’s armor and weapon
Hoplite soldier’s armor and weapon

So, let's talk about hoplites, hoplon, doru, muscle armors, linothorax, greek helmets, and greaves.

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How to Track your Parcel

Hey! This article will help you with 3 next questions:

  • What is normal way for parcel, what steps it takes;
  • How long it is usually takes;
  • Were to track your parcel!
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Brigandines and coat-of-plates on Crispin's day
Brigandines and coat-of-plates on Crispin's day

Battle of Agincourt was one of the milestone battlefield engagements of the Hundred Years’ War, a moment of glory for Henry V, and longbow’s hour of triumph.

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Dear friends, Steel Mastery blacksmiths are happy to share with you secrets of production the most popular medieval armor - “Visby” brigandine.

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Chainmail linkage types, chose the one you need!
Chainmail linkage types, chose the one you need!

Actually, there are four types of ring closings used in chainmail: butted, riveted, welded and punched. But only the first three types are historically accurate: butted, riveted, and punched.

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Landsknechts - full review and history of costume
Landsknechts - full review and history of costume

Landsknechts seem to be the most eye-catching European warriors of the Renaissance epoch. They left indelible mark in the history of art of war and military clothing.

Let’s make a retrospective journey into the history! Read our new article and know more about landsknechts. In particularly, who these people with such crackjaw name were, where they came from and why became so popular :)

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Decorative fabrics in Steel Mastery
Decorative fabrics in Steel Mastery

Besides of such natural fabrics as linen, cotton or wool, we offer our customer beutiful materials for their medieval dressescostumespadded jacks and even brigandines.

Click “Read more” to see gorgeous patterned fabrics, which may be used for your gown!

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Caramel color follows the fashion
Caramel color follows the fashion

Until now, you could order a leather bag or purse by Steel Mastery, though there were no opporunity to choose a color of item. We fixed this misstep! Moreover, we added a brand new color of our bags – sweet caramel!

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How to Get Away with Medieval Armor Murder

Metal plate armor is a beautiful thing and you have to care of it very good. Follow the rules from this article and it will serve you in battle for long time!

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