
Tatar-Mongolian helmet 12 - 15 centuries




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Tatar-Mongolian helmet 12 - 15 centuries

options par défaut
  • Fastenings leather straps with steel buckles
  • Couleur des boucles en acier Boucles nickelées
  • Couleur de la fermeture en cuir brun
  • Délai de livraison Standard (délai de livraison 14-28 jours)
  • Sewn padded cap  absent
  • Metal for helmet dome cold-rolled steel 1.5 mm (14 ga)
  • Finish treatment satin polishing
  • Rivets 8 mm clous en acier
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Couleur des boucles en acier
Couleur de la fermeture en cuir
Temps de fabrication
Délai de livraison
Sewn padded cap
Metal for helmet dome
Finish treatment


Tatar-Mongolian helmet of the XII-XV centuries is a real piece of art, made by artisans of Steel Mastery.

Among numerous archaeological findings on the Southeast of Asia, there were spherical conical helmets with iron masks. Such masks had weird hawk-nosed faces and specific drop-shaped eye shape, wide eyebrows and antrorse moustache. Some researchers suggested that masks had simply fake character and were not used during the battle. Other historians considered that such helmets were belonged to warriors of Ancient Rus. However, M.V. Gorelik proved that helmets with facemasks were related to protective Mongolian body armor. Anthropological type, which is depicted on the mask, resounds “ancient Altaic ideal man-hero” that “had being remained in Asia despite of the change of nations, languages and races from the V century B.C until XV century A.D.”.

Kipchaks mask

There is also interesting opinion that such masks were making distressing impression on opponent during the fight. And, not only with its “dead” metal face with bright and shining eyes, but also with strange anthropological type, which always looks threateningly.

Tatar-Mongolian helmet by Steel Mastery

This made-to-measure medieval Asian helmet is completely handcrafted by our artisans by personal parameters of customer.

You can use this functional helmet with facemask visor for:

  • SCA
  • HEMA
  • Larp
  • Stage performances
  • Medieval festivals
  • Reenactment events

You may also like this model of Asian helm armor: helmet of the Golden Horde warrior.

You can easily create complete character of Tatar-Mongolian warrior, combining this helmet with eastern tunic and pants, padded gambeson and main armour khatangu degel.

In section “Helmets”, you can see all models that we offer for ordering. If you didn’t find any for your taste and wish, please send us photo and description of the required model and we will make it for you.


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Chaque produit est fait à la main et sa production nécessite un certain temps. Temps estimé :

  • Gambison et armure matelassée - 8-9 semaines
  • Costumes et autres vêtements - 4-6 semaines
  • Brigandines – 3-4 mois;
  • Accessoires en cuir - 2-4 semaines
  • Armures en métal - 2-5 mois
Veuillez nous contacter pour obtenir de précisions sur nos délais

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