Medieval cape with hood
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Let us tell you the story of this medieval hooded cloak. The story of a beautiful young girl at scarlet red medieval cape, known as Little Red Riding Hood...
One day a beautiful young girl in a long medieval winter cloak was walking through the woods to her grandmother's house. When she heard noises in the bushes, she crouched under a tree and wrapped herself in her long medieval robe of thick soundproof fabric with a pleasant smooth lining. And when Big Bad Wolf (surely he was the one making the noise) jumped out of the bushes, he could not hear the girl breathing through the thick, soft fabric of the medieval cape (he could not smell her either, because the girl was very clean and kept her pies in an airtight bag). Angrily howling with disappointment, the wolf went away, and a beautiful girl in a luxurious scarlet medieval cloak without further adventures got to her grandmother's house. The end.
Here is such a stunning red medieval cloak with heavy, soft and dense velvety fabric we offer you. Of course, you can choose another color to your taste, but agree, scarlet red looks just gorgeous!
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