
Leather brigantine kit in style of 14th century




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Leather brigantine kit in style of 14th century

Couleur du produit :
Taille homme pour les vêtements/armures rembourrées :
options par défaut
  • Utilisateur du produit  homme
  • Taille femme pour les vêtements/armures rembourrées  sauter
  • Fermetures leather straps with steel buckles
  • Couleur des boucles en acier Boucles nickelées
  • Metal for plate armour cold rolled 1mm
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Fait sur mesure

Cet article est fait sur mesure, cela veut dire que pour sa fabrication nos artisans utilisent les mesures corporelles de chaque client individuel.
Un tel type de fabrication permet d'assurer un ajustement parfait d'article.

Couleur du produit
Taille homme pour les vêtements/armures rembourrées
Utilisateur du produit
Taille femme pour les vêtements/armures rembourrées
Couleur des boucles en acier
Couleur de la fermeture en cuir
Temps de fabrication
Metal for plate armour


Leather brigandine kit in style of the 14th century

When we are talking about perfect medieval leather armor of the XIV century, it is hard to give decisive answer. What to choose? Simplicity, robustness and inelegant charm of Visby brigandine or specific elegance, progressiveness and “almost-cuirass” shape of its colleague from Chalkis. All these retro-horizontal strips of Visby brigandine are so beautiful, but it is quite impossible to fasten it on its own! However, knight leather armor from Chalkis is much more functional, but noble Don is not in mood for “almost-cuirass” and fastenings from the front… So, how to choose between Sweden Gotland and Greek Euboea, where were founded above-mentioned leather plate armor?

Though, should we make such a choice? If romanticism of the Middle Ages calls for you and freedom-loving spirit feels cramped in the strict frames of the historical reenactment, so there is a solution. For all people, who are interested at combining of two brigandines, you may get comfortable, hardwearing, robust and custom modern handmade leather armor in style of the XIV century for any event, which is not strict reenactment. This brigandine will take the best from its historical inspirers and tireless blacksmiths of Steel Mastery creates this leather brigandine kit in style of the 14th century especially for you.

As you understand, body of fighter is protected with leather plate armor, which took the best from the famous brigandines of Visby and Chalkis. These flawlessly reliable steel strips are covered with firm leather. Such brigandine will dare rust, it doesn’t’ glint in the sun, showing you to the enemy, but it looks respectable and impressively. Design of breastplate allows easy fitting of brigandine’s size, depending on the thickness of your padded underarmor.

Shoulders are protected with the whole-hammered spaulder, which are covered with leather as well. Under them, there is super-reliable arm protection from the shoulder to the elbow. Two layers of the firmest leather and metal strips will protect your bones of any stroke. Protection of the forearm is no worse – similar bracers of metal and leather. Functional leather armor does not hinder your movements and guarantees your arms perfectly safe.

Generally, this handmade leather armor will be premier choice for calm and self-assured warrior – comfortable and functional. It does not chase after fancy shine, but guarantees good protection; it is plain and robust, as it’s a real leather armor. Of course, you may choose leather color, type and metal of buckles. As it is you who will wear this armor.

Leather brigandine kit consist of:

  1. Leather Brigandine
  2. Whole hammered spaulders covered with leather
  3. Leather brigandine protection of upper part of arm
  4. Leather brigandine bracers

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Chaque produit est fait à la main et sa production nécessite un certain temps. Temps estimé :

  • Gambison et armure matelassée - 8-9 semaines
  • Costumes et autres vêtements - 4-6 semaines
  • Brigandines – 3-4 mois;
  • Accessoires en cuir - 2-4 semaines
  • Armures en métal - 2-5 mois
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