A day in the life of medieval knight
A day in the life of medieval knight

There're few episodes of the daily living of knights for your attention at the dawn of Medieval time. What did they face to when entering on the knight path? What sinuosity were waiting for them at the war- and peace-time? Let's have a look at one day of the knight life.

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Churburg-style armour of the XIV century
Churburg-style armour of the XIV century

Not so long time ago, Steel Mastery finished handcrafting of the full-plate Churburg-style armour of the XIV century. And next to the Gothic armour, we’d like to tell about equally well know armour from the Castle of Churburg.

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Handcrafting of helmet Bascinet with curved visor
Handcrafting of helmet Bascinet with curved visor

In this article, we’d like to tell you, how our crafstman makes a bascinet with curved visor, typical for the middle of the XIV century.

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Evolution of knights’ hand protection
Evolution of knights’ hand protection

Not so long time ago we showed you how Steel Mastery’s craftsmen make knight gauntlets of the XIV-XV centuries. And this model is one of the great quantity of middle-age hands’ protection. In this article we’d like to tell you, how this type of armour were progressing.

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Plate knight gloves of XIV-XV century. How do we make them!
Plate knight gloves of XIV-XV century. How do we make them!

In the 1430 year, gauntlets had become one of the most part of any armour, and gained great popularity in the end of the XV century.

Let’s have a look at how Steel Mastery makes plate knight gauntlets of the 1350-1400 years step-by-step!

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Leather LARP and fantasy armour
Leather LARP and fantasy armour

Live action role-playing games have become more popular in the recent years. That’s why Steel Mastery decides to satisfy fantasy-addicted customers with line of unique hand-made leather and steel armour.

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Costume of XVII century European citizen
Costume of XVII century European citizen

Fashion was changing - time of long and shapeless tunics and shirts has passed. But what medieval citizen worn? We will tell you about a costume, that was not high-fashion look of XVII century, but typical for usual european man.

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Splinted and plate limbs' protection of the XIV century
Splinted and plate limbs' protection of the XIV century

Steel Mastery represents you historically correct, strong and very practical splinted and plate limbs’ protection of the XIV century. We tested it in battles - and now recommend it to you!

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Man's outfit in the XII-XIII centuries
Man's outfit in the XII-XIII centuries

We often receive questions like “What tunic is typical for such century?” or “Are these chausses acceptable for this period?” and so on, and so on… What is meant in this article is typical european man’s costume of the XII-XIII centuries.

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Standard sizes for clothes
Standard sizes for clothes

In order to determine your size properly when ordering on our website, we advise you to read the following table below.

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