
White cotton tabard with purple lining and decoration




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White cotton tabard with purple lining and decoration

options par défaut
  • Délai de livraison Standard (délai de livraison 14-28 jours)
  • Temps de fabrication standard manufacturing time 4 months
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Fait sur mesure

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Un tel type de fabrication permet d'assurer un ajustement parfait d'article.

Tissu de doublure
Délai de livraison
Temps de fabrication


Tabard is a surcote, which seems quite simple, but absolutely indispensable in SCA, HEMA, LARP and reenactment events, stage performances and medieval festivals. 

You may order tabard sewn by two ways:

  • Machine manufacturing, when our tailors will make heraldic surcote by your parameters, using sewing machine.
  • And historical one - hand sewing, means custom tabard will be completely sewn by hands of our tailors stich-by-stich. Such type of manufacture is historical one and offered for additional costs. 

This white cotton tabard with purple lining and decoration on the front.

The wall and angels are made according to the embleme we received from the client 

Decoration is a combination of an applique made of pieces of fabric + finished with acrylic paints (yellow for angels) + machine embroidery along the contour of the details.

 This tabard is a sample of knight tabard, which we can sew for you. 

As option you can choose:

  • Fabric – cotton, linen, wool;
  • Lining fabric – absent, cotton or linen;
  • Color – any color you wish; 
  • Decoration – we can make it machine or hand-made. 

If you want some special, custom tabard – please write us on [email protected]

Additional options allow you creating of unique model of heraldic surcote. We offer linen, cotton, wool, silk, velvet or brocade for your tabard outer shell.

At the Tabards section you can get acquainted with some of the infinite number of possible forms, types of décor and emblems that we can make according to your personal order


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Chaque produit est fait à la main et sa production nécessite un certain temps. Temps estimé :

  • Gambison et armure matelassée - 8-9 semaines
  • Costumes et autres vêtements - 4-6 semaines
  • Brigandines – 3-4 mois;
  • Accessoires en cuir - 2-4 semaines
  • Armures en métal - 2-5 mois
Veuillez nous contacter pour obtenir de précisions sur nos délais

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