
training soft helmet




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(2 reviews)

training soft helmet

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Délai de livraison


Training helmet is the most important element of your protection if you decide to take part in the historic medieval softsport combat.

Our craftsmen designed this new helmet specifically for participating in softsport competitions, both in singles and groups.

  1. Reason one - this helmet with an integrated throat from Steel Mastery really protects your head from all sides.
  2. The second reason is that this helmet fits snugly and securely on your head. A properly fastened helmet is impossible to pull off your head during a fight. The only way is to chop off your head along with it...
  3. But no, that's not possible, and there is the third reason - our training helmet has an integrated neck strap that perfectly protects your neck and throat.
  4. Reason four - the top of the helmet is reinforced with thin plastic for better head protection and shock absorption. 
  5. And finally the 5th reason is the weight of the helmet which is only 2.4kg which is surprisingly low for such a cool thing.

So hurry up and order our training helmet so your head always stays on your shoulders.

training soft helmet can be made in two sizes: 

- L for head with 56-58 cm (22,04-22,83 in) girth 

- XL for head with 60-62 cm (23,62-24,4 in) girth 


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Chaque produit est fait à la main et sa production nécessite un certain temps. Temps estimé :

  • Gambison et armure matelassée - 8-9 semaines
  • Costumes et autres vêtements - 4-6 semaines
  • Brigandines – 3-4 mois;
  • Accessoires en cuir - 2-4 semaines
  • Armures en métal - 2-5 mois
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Perspective Pirate
I can't wait to take a sword to the eye and be the pirate I've always wanted to be!
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