
Plate arms of Ming dynasty




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(2 reviews)

Plate arms of Ming dynasty

options par défaut
  • Fermetures leather straps with steel buckles
  • Couleur des boucles en acier Boucles nickelées
  • Couleur de la fermeture en cuir noir
  • Lacing with cord
  • Finish treatment satin polishing
  • Metal for scales and lamellar plates steel 1.0 mm (18 ga)
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Couleur des boucles en acier
Couleur de la fermeture en cuir
Temps de fabrication
Finish treatment
Metal for scales and lamellar plates


Plate arms of Ming dynasty, better known as Bi Fu or Bi Shou is a heavy armguard made of segmented overlapping metal plates. It was the primary upper limb armour of the Ming army, especially of its mounted troops. 

A typical pair of Bi Fu plate arms were made of overlapping metal plates riveted to dog leather backing, sewn onto two full-length silk arm sleeves, and secured to the wearer's arms with leather straps.

The effectiveness of this gauntlet of arm protection is confirmed by the fact that, in various variations, this very design was used from 202 BC to the 17th century AD.

Steel Mastery has recreated this magnificent example of ancient armour, using bands of thick but cord (sorry, not dogskinsmiley) on which laminar iron strips with shaped notches along the lower edge are riveted. Like the ancient original, our gauntlet arms are secured to a fabric-lined backing and fastened to the arm using laces and leather straps with buckles.

Such a design provides excellent protection for the arm while maintaining full mobility, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by you in combat.

It's a heck of a choice of armor for arm protection at historical events, as well as sports or fantasy projects.

Main picture shows plate arm protection with options:

  • Metal – steel 1 mm
  • Finish treatment – satin polishing
  • Fastenings – leather straps with steel nickel-plated buckles; 
  • Color of leather fastenings – black;
  • Decoration – no 
  • Lacing – cord
  • Do-it-yourself – no

Base price of Plate arms of Ming dynasty includes following options:

  • Metal – steel 1 mm
  • Finish treatment – satin polishing
  • Fastenings – leather straps with steel nickel-plated buckles; 
  • Color of leather fastenings – black;
  • Decoration – no 
  • Lacing – cord
  • Do-it-yourself – no

According to your wishes, our craftsmen can execute hand protection in polished steel, hammered steel or with oter finish treatment. You can see 2 variants of finish treatment on the puctures: polishinf and hammering.

And in any other version, including etching. We used jackard lining fabric and it can also be altered to your wishes. Don't ask for dogskin, which we don't have, but we have a strong leather cord!


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Chaque produit est fait à la main et sa production nécessite un certain temps. Temps estimé :

  • Gambison et armure matelassée - 8-9 semaines
  • Costumes et autres vêtements - 4-6 semaines
  • Brigandines – 3-4 mois;
  • Accessoires en cuir - 2-4 semaines
  • Armures en métal - 2-5 mois
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I recommend it! They helped me with the metal choice and other options and also supported me throughout the entire production. They are great. Thank you!
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