
Leather vest and bracers with diamond pattern




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Leather vest and bracers with diamond pattern

Couleur du produit :
Taille homme pour les vêtements/armures rembourrées :
options par défaut
  • Utilisateur du produit  homme
  • Taille femme pour les vêtements/armures rembourrées  sauter
  • Fermetures leather straps with steel buckles
  • Couleur des boucles en acier Boucles nickelées
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Fait sur mesure

Cet article est fait sur mesure, cela veut dire que pour sa fabrication nos artisans utilisent les mesures corporelles de chaque client individuel.
Un tel type de fabrication permet d'assurer un ajustement parfait d'article.

Couleur du produit
Taille homme pour les vêtements/armures rembourrées
Utilisateur du produit
Taille femme pour les vêtements/armures rembourrées
Couleur des boucles en acier
Couleur de la fermeture en cuir


Royal hunt Leather vest and bracers with diamond pattern

The hunt is up, the hunt is up,

And it is well nigh day;

And Harry our king is gone hunting,

To bring his deer to bay.

When the leaves turn yellow and fruits ripen, when heat gives way to the cool of the evening, when the blood is roiling and requiring sacrifice, it is a hunt time. It's time to go under the canopy of old-world leafy forest, clasping a good bow, and get your own deer, as kings were getting it hundreds of years ago.   

And, when you will decide to go out to your royal hunt, you will not be without appropriate outfit – functional leather armor. The one, which allows being nimble on feet, drawing bow string to the ear, and bending to the ground, when it’s needed to sneak up. On top of all of this, such outfit must look really kingly, highlighting noble birth and high status of hunter in every way.

Just for these reasons, we have prepared this leather vest and bracers. Hunting equipment, fit for a king.  

Firm and soft black leather of the best currying is decorated with crossover leather strips that create chaste, but classy diamond pattern. Strips are studded with steel rivets, humble generosity of which makes vest and bracers truly royal. Vest is fastened from the front with steel buckles humble and properly; the same buckles hold bracers.   

Even if this handmade leather armor will not protect of arrow and axe, but it may take a couple of glancing blows from assaulter with anlace. And, if the owner is an experienced fighter, who is accustomed to attempts (what a royal hunt without assassins, attempting the life and health of the anointed!), so it’s kid stuff to evade death of assassins’ knife in this wearable leather armor.

Well, if black color and steel do not fit your new doublet, then we will gladly make for you such vest and bracers of leather of any color and currying, decorated with rivets and buckle of metal you choose, and even with gems and embossment by your wish. Your word is our command, so you’d feel a real king at your hunt.

By the way, clothing, shoes and headwear for completing of your leather armor costume may be also ordered from us. Have a nice choice!


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Chaque produit est fait à la main et sa production nécessite un certain temps. Temps estimé :

  • Gambison et armure matelassée - 8-9 semaines
  • Costumes et autres vêtements - 4-6 semaines
  • Brigandines – 3-4 mois;
  • Accessoires en cuir - 2-4 semaines
  • Armures en métal - 2-5 mois
Veuillez nous contacter pour obtenir de précisions sur nos délais

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